Marla Antonella Gómez Carrillo's profile


Saturday, March 9th 2024,  ART 230 "INTRODUCTION TO TYPOGRAPHY", 
Brigham Young University's Idaho Campus Curricula. 
"WEEKS SEVEN-NINE, Typographic Font Family and Superfamily Corporate and Salesemanship Advertisments via the Utilization of Demonstrative Creative Composition Showcases in a Poster Format,  Submission."
Instructor's Name: Professor Simone Bradford.
Student's Name: Marla Antonella Gómez Carrillo. 
                                         PROJECT BRIEF OVERVIEW AND ANALYSIS
                                                        "INTRODUCTORY PORTION": 
Good evening, Dearest Brethren and collegiate peers, alike. My most earnest hope is that you are to find my present scholastic contribution to this platform in exceptional health. First and foremost, I wanted to express the immense amount of gratitude that I feel towards each and every single one of you for consistently motivating me to become a better human being and a much more exemplary and diverse graphic designer, illustrative artist and budding typographic professional as the sheer dedication and profound care that you invest into our shared profession has proven to be exceptionally inspiring and exceedingly magnificent as your personal and academic support and unwavering belief in my potential furthermore came to assist me greatly throughout the process of evolution of this particular project brief and I am most indebted to the distinctive amount of stylistic and personal orientation and guidance that I was endowed with the great fortune of receiving from from each one of you as I continued to refine each of my respective compositions for your personal consideration and evaluation. I would additionally like to take the time to express, that I have truly learned immensely from the sheer tenacity of character and academic perseverance that each and every single one of you have continuously demonstrated in our shared profession. Furthermore, I additionally wanted to provide a forewording of what ultimately consists of a composite project brief demonstration containing each and every single one of the conceptualistic illustrations that I have created as based upon the eponymously entitled "Bodoni MT STD" typographic letterformat and superfamily, showcasing each and every single one of the respective desired outcomes and principles of knowledge that I was able to assimilate throughout the course of my personal investigation process. 
The historical contextualization and the singular brilliance which saw through the necessity of conceiving one of the most fundamentally culturally and artisically fundamental typographic assets and contributions to the contemporary age provides a truly captivating sociopolitical and polidemographic historical framework of reference that can best facillitate the fomenting of a much more accesible and widespread level of comprehensibility regarding the life and achievements of Italian typographic stamp-press artist, illustrative typographic professional and a savant within the field of  typographic innovation throughout the ideological, philosophical and artistic currents of the Rationalist and Enlightenment movements respectily, "Gianbattista Bodoni" who left a remarkable imprint upon the world of modern design with his unparalleled craftmanship and visionary approach. 
Desired Outcomes and Primary Objectives of this Project Brief: 
Via this project, we were comissioned to create a composite typographic font showcase advertisement demonstration which can subsequently be included within the formation and proces of compilation of a prospective professional portfolio, further illustrating our capacity to utilize fundamental design skills and creativity to potential employers and to the prospective clientele who are seeking to hypothetically purchase a particular font managing a vast array of informational and data collection techniques which can come to support the accesibility value and intrigue of the presentation of the font in question.

"Prospective Typographic Tall Poster Compositions, Demonstration of Evolution of Creative Process and of The Respective Preliminary Sketches, Weeks Seven Through Nine"

"Project Brief III Demonstration of the Final Composition Created Utilizing Various Letterformats and Font Types and Typographic Characters Pertaining to The Bodoni MT STD Typographic Font Family" 
"Showcasing of Finalized Mockup Composition." 



